The title of your project: Coaster for Health
Sample Video (with each light set up to light up every second, for demonstration's sake):
Describe the concept:
During a stressful work day, people often forget to keep hydrated, going for hours at a time without a drink. In order to help people follow the 8 by 8 rule (8 glasses of 8 ounces of water a day) at a standard 9-5 desk job, we've created a coaster that will remind the user to drink water every fifteen minutes.
Describe the target audience:
The target audience is someone who works a desk job, either from home or in an office setting.
Describe the technical system:
After about a minute and a half have passed since putting a mug on the coaster, a light will come on. This continues until fifteen minutes have passed, and all the lights will blink on and off until the mug is picked up. The timer resets when the mug is placed back down.
Spec out what parts you will need, where you will get them from, and prepare a preliminary bill of materials, including cost for all parts.
Arduino (already purchased)
Plastic Box- $4
Lace Dollies- $4
Total Expected Cost: $8
What manufacturing techniques will you be using?
Cutting out paper, glueing and taping.
Document what possible problems you forsee (i.e. wrong choice of sensors for the job, or problems getting overly-complicated output devices to work), and document some back up contingency planning for those scenarios.
– The photoresistor may not be able to sense an empty bottle of water (hence the need for a mug instead of a plastic bottle)
– The user will be forced to refill their mug constantly while using the coaster and might simply ignore it after a while (the entire point is for them to drink from and refill their mug though - perhaps using a tumbler and not a mug would make more sense)
Document how your team will work together, and the division of labor for the next steps
Our group members are Sarah Lerner and Natalynn Chun. We will divide the labor equally.
Progress Photos: